
Lights can charge their cell phones

Streetlights charging speed is particularly fast, I waited ten minutes, they charge a half. "
"In the beginning just think this street is very peculiar shape, it is at the top of the shape of a windmill, in the evening breeze whistled through rotation was in this street may rely on wind power, and stopped to observe a . "

        Soon Lu Si Wen and students found in the middle part of the lamp post, roughly equivalent to the height of the normal chest, a small door, a small door opened, allows the immediate scene was taken aback, the original hiding small door behind not switch, but a variety of similar USB interface device, enough to have as many as eight. Lu Si Wen and students look closely at these interfaces, and that certainly can be used to charge their cell phones.

       "People put out their own mobile phone to plug in to its design, especially intimate, all types of phones can use my iPhone, my classmate, Sony Ericsson, Nokia, can find a suitable interface. Street lamp next to seats, we joked that for fear of worry, you can side sit side charging. streetlights charging speed is particularly fast, I waited ten minutes, they charge a half, "Lu Si Wen said.

        Lu Si Wen and students are excited, and immediately took out the phone took to upload photos to everyone online. That evening views close to the four-digit, we have a message that surprised admiration. "More than the South East and many other university students to share this photo, is not really a lot of people ask me, I am a bit surprised that only one reply is indeed true," Lu Si Wen said.

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