
Analysts said Nokia downturn or for mobile phone with the Finns

A survey published by U.S. research firm Recon Analytics24 results show that the Finns every six years to replace a new phone, the time interval is much higher than the British and French consumers time required.

Recon Analytics, a survey of 14 national consumer buying habits, the time for Britons to buy a new phone every 22 months, the Frenchman is two and a half, while the Finns actually six years.

Recon Analytics, founder, Roger Bryant, Roger Entner, said: "Nokia in the smartphone market suffered in the downturn may not be a chance to buy a new phone is too small in its hometown."

Recon Analytics data show that in Apple's hometown, U.S. consumers every 21.7 will replace a new phone. Samsung's homeland, South Korean consumers every 26 months to buy a new phone.

Bryant also pointed out that the survey results and there is no scientific evidence to show that Finnish consumers lower update frequency is directly linked to the Nokia downturn. Low market demand may be to some extent, affect the urgency of the Nokia developers. Bryant said: "If most people around the old phone, the pressure to innovate is certainly not."

Income may affect consumers' purchasing decisions, Recon Analytics survey results show that Finland's income level comparable with Britain and France. Instead, the survey found that the operator subsidies on consumers' purchasing decisions affect.

Bryant Apple iPhone 4 operator subsidies, for example. In many countries including the United States, mobile operators usually by way of subsidies to attract users. In the UK, the operator of subsidies on the iPhone is $ 660, $ 379 in France, Finland is only $ 84.

The survey results also showed that the most slowly in frequency worldwide Neifen Lan update the phone is not the slowest Indian consumers, 93.6 months (nearly 8 years) to replace a new phone. India's low income levels, only 1/14 of the United States. Brazilian consumers rank second to last 81 months replacement mobile phone, consumers Israel 76.5 Replacement

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