
Maintenance of the tourmaline

The tourmaline maintenance is badly in need of attention. 1 to 3 months purification even if the opening timing purification. There is a reason, purification of the approximation of the word in Latin and degaussing, so it is called degaussing. In fact, the science in terms of dead skin tissue breeding ground for fungi, long-term wash susceptible to skin disease and then evolve into skin cancer. Modern society, a lot of people have scabies, but also because of the long-term wash can ward off evil and to increase the spiritual view of the error. Regardless of any spar, jade, is to regularly purification, because the physical nature of spar can not just use the acidic or alkaline cleaning agents, Yu Shou salt neutral cleaning agent in the science is correct and safe.

Tourmaline than other crystal class jewelry degaussing and purification, is not directly in contact with water. Tourmaline has a plastic injection, and water contact, inside the plastic will be volatile, so tourmaline original defects out. Why so? To do so in order to increase the yield of the tourmaline. Degaussing moonlight irradiation, about eight hours. Amethyst Geode, druse, the degaussing bags (mounted crystal gravel bag) can degauss, these several methods are fast degaussing and purification methods, generally about 4 hours on it.

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