
To touchscreen Redubujian conceal his mediocre performance

       Recently, Yu Shun electronic "single effect" driven, touch screen plate shares a collective dance, the majority of stocks intraday rocketed to their daily limit. The Sound and the Fury behind the touch screen industry listed companies are generally mediocre performance.Although the market environment is becoming increasingly complex, many companies still have to start to increase their investment plans to raise huge sums of money voted to build the expansion project of the capacitive touch screen.Industry competitionUp to now, the touch screen a number of main business of listed companies have been disclosed in the notice of 2011 annual results or the results of Letters. In addition to Fang Xing Technology (600552) net profit increase of over 70%, the results of a number of companies increase below 40%, individual companies even performance on a slippery slope. The touch screen industry generally poor performance.Leybold Tech (002106) forecasts, in 2011 attributable to shareholders of listed companies net profit increase of about 0-10%. The company said the project is put into large-size capacitive touch screen to bring a degree of contribution to the results, but the industry competitive environment is more complex, the needs of the consumer electronics market uncertainty increases, fluctuations in market demand and industry competition, the dominant product price cut , company and product sales to bring greater challenges."Touch screen" star shares Yu Shun also feel the pressure of competition. Less stable due to the economic situation at home and abroad, market competition, the 2011 LCD module sales revenue to a certain level of growth, but the cost is rising faster, results of operations is expected to a certain degree of decline in the last three quarterly The expected net profit of changes in the range of down 30% to an increase of 20%.While Ophelia light (002 456) recent announcement of the results of Letters, the company was profitable last year only 22,548,800 yuan, 55,088,800 yuan a year earlier, a decrease of 56.71%. Nanchang, a wholly-owned subsidiary of receipt of government operating subsidies of 10 million yuan after the company forecast in the last three quarterly decline of 70%, thus making it possible upward revisions performance. In addition, the long letter of the GEM three touch screen technology (300 088), stars (300 256) and the Department of Crown shares (300,282) expected 2011 net profit increase of about 30%.Franshion science and technology performance increase significantly higher than other companies, the company expects to last year, net income increased by 70%. However, the growth performance is not entirely derived from the growth of the main business, the company completed last year, a major reorganization of assets, the replacement is completed, fused zirconia, zirconium silicate and the original ITO conductive film glass business to become the company's core business. The company core business is expected to bring to the company net profit of 62.9 million yuan, while the 2010 annual net profit in the previous period report the retroactive adjustment of $ 63.6 million yuan.The number of companies start refinancingAlthough the touch screen performance of listed companies are generally sluggish, but the powerful adverse economic expansion. The end of last year until early this year, many companies have started to increase their investment plans, raising huge sums of money voted to build the expansion project of the capacitive touch screen.In October last year, the two listed companies in Shenzhen Leybold Tech and Yu Shun almost simultaneously start the private placement plan. Leybold Tech non-public offering of stock plans, the Company intends to release the reserve price of 24.69 yuan per share private placement to raise nearly 1.7 billion yuan investment in integrated capacitive touch-screen projects, and a new display panel project; Yu Shun Electronics plans to 19.33 yuan / share release the reserve price to the particular object to the issuance of not more than 3500 shares, raising not more than 550 million yuan for small and medium-size capacitive touch screen production line, production line of ultra-thin super cover glass and the glass substrate R & D projects.Despite the increasingly complex market environment, however, the research firm DisplaySearch forecasts, in 2011 the global touch screen industry output value of over $ 13 billion, the 2014 touch screen phone shipments will reach 955 million, the next three-year compound annual growth rate will reach 27.58%. Downstream market demand for the touch screen industry.The industry also pointed out that, despite good market prospects and investment projects in production release will take some time, Moreover, once raised investment projects completed and put into production, the increase of fixed assets, depreciation expense may affect the company's net profit growth. Some investors said that the recent touch screen plate stock fundamentals have not changed the situation of collective agitation, is probably due to the market price of shares of listed companies below the private placement of the reserve price, the market of speculative opportunities.Just yesterday, Ophelia light after a continuous rise in its share price at top speed the launch of its private placement programs, and fund-raising 1.5 billion yuan investment and small and medium-size capacitive touch screen expansion project. Listed companies have launched the expansion project of the touch screen, or will lead to a new round of competition in the industry. Guoxin Securities analyst Duan Ying Sheng recently released a research report pointed out that the touch panel have plans to expand capacity, LCD panel manufacturers rushed into the touch screen industry, the formation of a touch panel is becoming increasingly fierce diversified and competitive landscape, industry overheating. However, he believed in the industry, increasing competition in product prices continued to fall under the pressure of the integrated firm is expected to win in the competition.

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