
Jewelery and character

Psychologists have found that the different personalities of different shapes will have a particular preference selection in jewelry styles can also be shown.

Lively women, for example, usually small, were bright jewelry in geometric patterns; soft and gentle women, love full of curves or streamlined jewelry.

Women like the round style is more traditional, family values​​, the dependence, but more contented, quiet personality. The same loving men, gentle, friendly, approachable, with a strong sense of responsibility, gives people a sense of security.

Women in love with oval style, with a strong independence and creativity, whether in life or in business, was unusual, often to be superior appreciation and reuse. The men's side, rich sense of justice, has strong leadership ability, easy to obtain the support of friends and the masses.

The detailed nature of the preference for heart-shaped women, attentive, and romantic and lively, affectionate, full of femininity. The men are warm and generous, helpful, love, perseverance, with strong social skills.

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