
Diamond memories

Seemingly ordinary, simple business game, and perhaps far-reaching. After a hand to the transaction, the Oppenheimer family of South Africa may bid farewell to the fortune of the Road - three generations since the diamond industry. A century by the Oppenheimer family to monopolize the diamond dynasty may divide up the "dysfunction".

New Year's Day 2011, a hair-trigger changes in equity enveloped in one of the world's largest mining company Anglo American the world's largest diamond company De Beers. The former scheme by way of acquisition of shares, access to the latter's controlling stake. Previously, Anglo American has a 40% stake in De Beers. The plans further acquisitions, and 45% of the shares owned by the Oppenheimer family.

In fact, the long-term investors of the Oppenheimer family, Anglo American. Anglo American is the Oppenheimer family in South Africa in 1917 founded. However, not long ago that the family just large-scale sale of the shares held by Anglo American, the float for the first time dropped to less than 2%. Insiders pointed out that if the acquisition plan by the shareholders of other large institutions of the Anglo American-led implementation of the Oppenheimer family and Anglo American, De Beers, the two companies long-term host and the guest relations will be gone forever.

However, regardless of the outcome of the acquisition, regardless of the Oppenheimer family will be squeezed out of the diamond industry, after all, the Oppenheimer family, once control 90 percent of the world's rough diamonds market. Nearly a century, this former diamond dynasty of the absolute influence on the world diamond industry, should not be forgotten by the world.

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