
The History of diamond jewelry

In a variety of valuable jewelry, diamonds have always been best to get the favor of the ladies. However, the ancient Chinese study jewelry play, although superb, but even the "king of gems did not know, even the reputation for aristocratic life encyclopedia," "Dream of Red Mansions" it bother mentioning. This is why?

"Fire drill" the edge of the "fire water"

Understanding of things through words, very sensitive to the words too literally. Such as diamonds, its top grade is called "fire drill", if you assert that such a diamond with the word "fire" red light flashing, I am afraid people Well laugh dogs have to bark. Study, in fact, the fire drill color light blue, like kerosene, kerosene is called "fire water" in the Cantonese dialect, he gave the old Guangzhou worth a Dongshan small Western-style diamond dubbed the "fire diamond", referred to as "fire drilling. "

Pocket to go to the Netherlands from India

Mention diamonds, can not help but link the "King Kong".

"King Kong" authentic "local", but its derivative word "diamond", but "Chinese foreign dictionary" to judge from the Japanese loanwords. Why diamond of things talking about.

Diamond is an allotrope of carbon, its unique crystal structure, making it the hardest kind of all known substances. The diamond refers to the unprocessed original stones, pondering made ornaments called Diamond.

Billion years ago Earth as early as before the advent of dinosaurs on Earth, diamonds are formed under high temperature and pressure deep in the crust. Subsequent diamond with lava rapidly to the Earth's surface, and has experienced the phenomenon of nature, a variety of weathering --- including water, strong winds and cold weather --- and then again buried in the soil, after the changes of the earth's crust and water erosion, diamond mine sand impact layer formed by ancient rivers.3000 years ago in IndiaThe world's first a diamond was found in India, one called the Krishna river valley. Until the eighteenth century, the wealthy kings of India is the world's only supplier of diamonds. From the fourth century BC to the early 18th century, India produced a total of about 300 million carats of rough diamonds. This is also the diamond as a unit of measurement of the reasons why "carat". The weight of ancient India, the growth of a strange tree, this tree every single tree seeds is basically the same, each piece is just 0.2 grams. Rare rare diamond weight is limited, smart Indians used this tree tree seed carat "As a unit of weight for diamonds. The diamond weight is the carat (CT), 1 carat = 0.2 grams, 1 carat = 100 points.13th century in EuropeThe French Emperor St. Louis had forbidden women to wear the jewels, he thought only the Virgin Mary are eligible to wear, diamonds are precious can be seen. Until the mid-15th century, the French King Charles 17 world mistress Alice. Su Hui is the first to break the traditional woman, she will receive a diamond from the king, and in public wearing diamonds has now entered civil.The 15th century's first diamond engagement ringIn 1477, Austria Maximilian even the Grand Duke before the engagement with the French Princess Mary, the princess received a letter, the text says: the date of the engagement, the princess must be worn with diamondsRing. As a result, the written history of the first one wedding ring thereon worn on the fingers of Mary from this ring as a keepsake tokens of love. Arched diamond, is the predecessor of today's square drill is used to set into Gothic letter M, is to tie the knot symbol. Subsequently, the diamond will be as beautiful and eternal symbol of love, and thus also captured the hearts of countless women.The 16th centuryExchange wedding ring custom wedding ceremony to be mature. Diamonds far-reaching implications and exquisitely carved appearance, making it the tokens of love and wedding indispensable keepsake. The 16th century Renaissance, the most prosperous stage, freedom, happiness, equality and efforts to promote the bold pursuit of love is an important theme. William Shakespeare love sonnets true, the good, the United States render every minute of it: "My eyes shall have the manners of your appearance, my heart, occupies the love of your heart." "As long as people can breathe. the eye can see, my love will spread and give you life. "Love is the most vital theme in the literature, but also love to create a wedding ring. At about 1600, the to Yiyu combined bicyclic ring appears, is representative of the clasped hands of confidence. Ring the end of the hands, shaking hands, the ring will be combined. "Both hands tied as one, interconnected, we are familiar with the tag" This ring is called "the sweet words of love", the words from English poet Swayze. 1525, Martin Luther and 加德林波娜 marriage is wearing such bicyclic ring.The 17th centuryAccompanied by the development of modern science, the new ideology sprang up, the poetry of Milton, Moliere's plays reflect these new ideas. For the love tribute has been no interruption. Here wedding ring engraved with the text of it, such as: "God with Minamata, people can not be separated." The ring of the 17th century, more elegant and simple, a large number of diamonds around a black or blue sparkle enamel design, all have their temperature wan and noble character. The wedding of James II - Stuart Prince, Prince parents wedding ring finger of the bride Polish Princess, when in 1719.The mid-18th centuryThe mid-18th century, complicated and fancy decoration to become the fashion, the theme and many of the heart-shaped, colorless and colored diamonds as useful arrows throughout the two hearts connected, crowned, also connected to the useful lover's knot the. Cutting process and set process to further improve the light of the diamond more Cui charm. Love poem that has been moved to the outside of the signet-ring, to express the happy state of mind, not only before the solemn emotions. 1815, Annabel nano guests and the poet Lord Byron married, choose the "no fear" two words engraved on the outside of the wedding ring.19th century19th century jewelry design by leaps and bounds, the initial trends in the delicate and fanciful, after advocating creativity and self-confidence, especially single grain set or diamond pieces inlaid diamond rings by the young lovers' favorite.1841 poet Browning and his wife got married, heart-shaped diamond ring in a crown. Robert Browning, a poem: "the ring in her hand, than his talent, amazing talent, a symbol of a period of great rare marriage on the ground, his talent is excellent in the sky, he combined with the bride's mind. "Now married to the wedding anniversary, men and women fall in love with diamonds to express affection, round a diamond-studded ring, said "We love no end", representing the eternal love (this from the Western tradition is also Asians accepted), people ring as a love gift has become a common practice. People will get married the 60th anniversary or 75th anniversary is known as the diamond wedding diamonds as April's birthday stone.

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