
Ancient Egyptian jewelry and culture

 The relics of the ancient Egyptian civilization difficult to see that the use of a wide range of jewelry. All sectors of society, to Pharaoh, and down to the civilians living and the dead, everyone is wearing jewelry, and even the animal is no exception. Ancient Egyptian pharaohs, nobles jewelry and more made of precious metals and semi-precious stones, both popular accessories materials. Precious metals refers to an alloy of gold and silver, because of Egypt's domestic gold-rich, while the silver is very rare, and the gold and silver alloys are more durable; semi-precious stones are a variety of colors spot a false charge of ore from between the stones and stone, such as green feldspar, turquoise, malachite, garnet, chalcedony, lapis lazuli. Ordinary people are wearing jewelry is generally made with glazes, usually quartz sand for the blank, and then decorated with painted stones on glassy alkaline glaze, glaze made of.

Making jewelry materials in ancient Egypt more than imitation of natural colors, whichever contains the symbolic meaning. Gold is the color of the sun, the sun is the source of life; silver on behalf of the moon, and also to create the statue of bone material; the celestite seem to protect the world's deep blue night sky, this material is transported from Afghanistan; from the Sinai Peninsula and the Green turquoise and malachite, a symbol of the Nile to bring the water of life can also be used feldspar of the Libyan desert, and even green glaze; to dark green jasper, like the color of fresh vegetables produced by the Nile east of the desert, on behalf of regeneration; carnelian and red jasper color like blood, a symbol of life.

Main categories of the ancient Egyptian jewelry, pendant, earrings, crowns, bracelets, bracelets, rings, belts, amulets and ornaments balance pendant, etc., exquisitely decorated complex, with a specific meaning. A twelfth dynasty (about BC 1900-1800) of the belt of shells, amulets and beaded materials include natural silver gold, silver, carnelian, amethyst, lapis lazuli, feldspar and glass, etc.. Shell hollow made from gold, silver, ancient Egyptians believed that the shell and the shape of the female genital, may play a protective role. Two hollow talisman made of natural silver gold, on behalf of a bunch of inherit the throne of the hair. Two fish-shaped amulets, to pray for the wearer from being flooded. God a He knelt people like longevity, he is usually holding a palm branch. The rest are round beads, hollow silver Kim Son, and carnelian, amethyst, lapis lazuli, green stone beads made. This belt embodies the ancient Egyptians, precious metals and colorful semi-precious stones series hobbies, represents a high degree of achievement of the craft of jewelry accessories. Balanced pendant pendant when the chest to wear ornaments too heavy to balance the weight of the pendant, often wear in the middle behind the two shoulder blades. Balance pendant shaped like a pendulum, and the pendant with the original priestess who worshiped the sky god Hathor's special, and later to all the noble women wear it to show respect for God. The pendant symbolizes after death, rebirth and the number of children, while the balance pendant wear child behind the meaning of the blessing.

Of course, represent the highest achievements of Ancient Egyptian Jewelry is the jewelry of the Pharaoh. The pharaoh tomb had buried a large number of exquisite and incomparable treasure jewelry, but after years of excavation, most of them have been depleted. The most famous jewelry in the tomb of one of the few not the excavation of the Pharaoh, the 18th Dynasty pharaoh Tutankhamen tomb. In addition to the above kind, the ancient Egyptian statues, jewelry worn by the figures on the reliefs and drawings, with its vivid characterization, we show the brilliant achievements of this ancient civilization on the Craft.

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