
Jade massage beds selection points

(1) to understand the goods

Three levels: the true and bogus recognition, excellent evaluation, the industry price

2, to see the process

Process: the procedure efficiency of the great thing about art. The jade sleeping device. The Book of Music says: "have Fei man, such as cut, such as discussions, such as cut, such as farming.

The purpose of the process: First, to eliminate toxins, problems, cover secure to avoid split; second is the brilliant use of shade, problems, etc.; thought and great thing about individuals social idea through the procedure, creating bracelets as a work of art.

Process the value of the evaluation: from the shape, design, great idea descriptions on fine designed, pretty shade, refined six.

3, the idea features and selling points

4, the solution of the industry and trend

5, creative products: top excellent, wonderful, high-grade, unusual bracelets.

Tibet sequence, specialised, targeted.

7, the case of treasures: Do not forget the major start.

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