
Phone accidentally into the water treatment techniques

 Water as the source of all things, but it is the killer of any electronic device, which is a serious important reason to reduce cell phone service life, but because the phone's internal components is relatively stable and mobile phone operating voltage, operating current is low, generally do not burn phone's internal components. However, because we usually come into contact with water, impurities, including high electrolyte content, if not timely and proper treatment may cause does not boot, the phone display is not normal, and talk to any friction failure. More serious may result in severe corrosion of the circuit board, the phone never be able to repair.

Mobile water, the first step is immediately removed the battery rather than shut down the power button soft. Press the OFF button, the phone will power, it may short-circuit, resulting in damage to the phone. Must not immediately start to understand the cell phone situation. Do not attempt to remove the battery hair dryer treatment should be immediately sent to the repair professionals disassemble do feed water treatment, if not under warranty, you can force the water in the drying screen, as if the screen remains there will be traces of water droplets, dry then on low heat environment (such as lamps, heating, etc.) to allow water to slowly dispersed, anxious not to use the hair dryer and other strong heat source.

  Do we often encounter the phone screen scratches but I do not know how to deal with the situation, take this opportunity to tell you an easy way to. Force after first got a neutral toothpaste, the toothpaste right amount of squeeze on a wet rag around the cell phone screen scratches at the back and forth the force Tuyun phone's screen scratches will disappear. And wipe with a clean rag or tissue cell phone screen will become brighter.

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