
The origins of the bracelet

Times late in the old device, the human wearing ornaments of this fact has been unearthed by many Chinese and foreign in kind to be confirmed. Unearthed the Venus Yuandiao Velen Dov Nude, in its fullness in the chest, hips disproportionate small wrist, engraved with a bracelet of a class of ornament. Bone carving portraits in unearthed in YISHITULIZI, also engraved with ornaments like bracelets.In Wukelanmai Tianjin archaeological finds, useful Mammoth Ivory carved wearing fitted?? Bracelet decorated with beautiful patterns. Riviera Grimaldi kind unearthed, in addition to the use of the bracelet made of fish vertebrae, with shells, oyster shells, animal teeth, and the production of bracelets.
In Qufu, Shandong Province Western Xia designate Neolithic site of Banpo Ruins, dating back six thousand years or so, archaeologists have found pottery rings, stone bracelet ancient ancestors for decorative wrist bracelet ring. From the physical point of view of excavated bracelet, animal bones, teeth, stone, pottery, etc. Bracelet shape of a round tube, circle, there are two semi-circular ring put together two percent.Neolithic bracelet has a decorative, not only the surface polished smooth, and some still bracelet engraved on the surface there are some simple pattern.Business week to the Warring States period, bracelet material jade. Whether the bracelet shape, jade color, are extraordinarily rich. In addition to jade, this period there was even a metal bracelet.Western Han Dynasty, due to the influence of Western culture and customs, wearing armbands of vogue, armbands's style a lot, the size of the free expansion, this armband adjustment ring according to the thickness of the arm and there is a spring-like , the rope into the ring plate, varies from three times as many as a dozen laps at both ends woven with gold and silver ring sets, used to adjust the tightness. This? Escape? Style armbands, can be worn on the arm department, can also be worn on the wrist.Sui, Tang and Song Dynasty women bracelet decorative arm has become commonplace, known to be the armlet. Step chariot map "of the early Tang painter Yan Liben weeks fat" Wearing Ladies ", a clear picture of the image of a woman wearing the armlet. This is not just limited to the court and aristocracy, the civilian population is also very keen. According to historical records, Cui Guangyuan troops in crusade scripts Zhang, soldiers everywhere, looting, to see the women, cut off the arm and took the armlet. It is obvious that the woman wearing the armlet are not a minority.Tang and Song, bracelet material and production process has been highly developed, with gold and silver bracelets inlaid jade bracelet, inlaid treasure bracelet. The shape of a ring type, type of beads, wire cutter type, braids, bamboo type. To the Ming and Qing dynasties, and even the Republic of China, the bracelets of gold inlaid with precious stones as powerful as ever. Style shape of the jewelry, craft production has a lot of development.Bracelet is considered as an arm ornament, the earliest initiation of a vague sense of beauty, but there are also many scientists believe that the emergence of the bracelet was originally not entirely out of beauty, but the worship and the totem, witchcraft ritual. At the same time, there are historians that has an absolute dominance of men in economic life, making rings, bracelets and other ornaments have a metaphorical leash on women, not to escape the barbarian customs. This metaphor there has been quite a long period of time.And earrings, necklaces, rings, bracelets as a kind of jewelry to be as clothing matching decoration to dress up as a work of art as a personal style, loving a dress means being more and more people accept and to use. Its aesthetic function is often a bracelet to wear.

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