
Worldwide battery charger overhaul

A universal asking for direction principle
    Routine such as proven in drawings: Q1 and exterior elements, the self-excited oscillator. By the transformer B money in the C4, D5, the fixed DC present of 9.4v. Through R6-limiting. Q10 (TL431) present regulator. In Q3, the emitter outcome present of 4.2v for standard lithium battery energy. Its automated polarity acknowledgement circuit by the Q5 ~ Q8, R12 ~ R15. When factor A then battery energy good B then adverse, Q8 R12 offer good tendency transferring, the Q5 R14 offer tendency transferring. Charging present from the Q5 → A factor → Battery E → B → Q8 C post to type a asking for circuit. The very development of the asking for circuit when the factor A take battery energy, B, then the good terminal of battery energy cost present from the Q7 → B → Battery E → A → Q6. C. Thus finishing the operate of automated acknowledgement of battery energy polarity.

    When the asking for present moves through R6. Q4 changes on, LED1 flashing LED (LED1 comes oscillator three-color light-emitting diodes, unique changes vibrant flash). Charging is finish after Q4 because there is not enough turn-on present and cut-off, LED1 goes out. LED2 as a energy signal.

    Second, the typical troubleshooting
    Mistake a: the energy lighting is off.
    Repair: The calculated Q1 pipe. B post tendency voltage; retest R2 is start. Substitute R2 problem solving.
    Failure: the energy lighting is off.
    Repair: statistic Q1 malfunction. Retest the R1 and R3 have been start. Regular the other elements of the statistic, problem solving, alternative of these elements.

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