
The Atradius system has been controlled from Google

    Last week, Samsung announced its on Andrews intelligent machine revenue for three consecutive quarters of growth spurt, comScore's survey shows that Andrews tablet also began to grow significantly, while Google also began to skip operators to direct the sale of the Galaxy the Nexus.
Forrester Research predicted that the proprietary Android ecosystem in 2015 will go beyond Google's own Android ecosystem. In other words, Google's open source mobile platform, the risk of fracturing into a number of fatal, fragmentation of the Android ecosystem.
Betanews The reporter Joe Wilcox, the above signs revealed a problem: Android is beyond the control of Google, Google may take immediate measures.
Joe think Nokia CEO of Elop most recently served that Symbian as a "burning platform" is really an exaggeration, this title is only now Android tablet computer market to play from. Amazon Kindle the Fire take on the role burning. Joe has more than one warning Kindle will fill the search giant does not touch the vacuum in the flat panel market in mid-November last year, Amazon started selling the Kindle Fire, gains of 29.4 percent of U.S. market share by the end of December, more than the Galaxy Tab family (23.8%). As of February, 54.4 percent of the market share.
Android flat share reached 44.6 percent, while Amazon and iPad accounted for 71.5 percent of shipments. Joe believes that Amazon's Android, has not the original Google's Android, and Amazon is constructed their own ecosystem, and Google has little to do.

Joe feel that the selective development of OEMs in the Windows platform "strategy is to Microsoft's success, while Android does not have any restrictions, a large number of rapid development of a wide range of OEMs the Android ecosystem caused serious damage. In contrast, Amazon would go astray, the Kindle Fire completely under its control.
Joe firmly believes that the Google Android open opened the beginning of the contemporary Android Warring States Period, the brightest Andorid OEMs to rise up to dominate the party, a serious threat to Android dynasty built by Google, Google to quickly cut the fan and the consolidation of centralized, closed-source and modify Authorization is king. Go to the OEM, third-party customized version, he just wants the ideal pure Google's official Android phone. Lyrics to describe: "I'll give you free over the fire.
Since the iPhone success, the topic of open vs closed has been talked about. Are equally closed platforms, Mac, PC and server markets did not account for much cheaper, while the iPhone is just one year time sales exceeded the total sales of the Mac in the past 25 years. Is also an open platform, Android came from behind to become the highest platform of the smart phone market share. The so-called beneficial or harmful, is for a company / enterprise, rather than the whole ecological environment. Ecological environment need not centralized, like the Internet is a decentralized ecological structure.
iOS been able to attract many developers, not because of the closed, but its fast hardware integration, as well as the ability to generate profits for developers. Not iOS platform, a wide variety of used games, who can guarantee that each mobile phone holding a stereotyped shape, will not soon tired to find another joy? Android is most lacking is how to make it easier to developer profit, so that this platform is full of excellent applications and games, so that developers willing to use your imagination on this platform and technology, rather than "fight the hardware form factor "This single form. Google to solve the problem is to split the burden to the developer. And open, never "not a" problem.

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