
Tips to buy in amber and beeswax

We buy amber and beeswax should be aware of their place of origin, usually divided into five regions.

Produced in Sicily to called SIMETITE, produced in Romania called RUMANITE, are darker and seventies, and sulfide-bearing more of them before with the amount of surviving at least. Crossing the Baltic Sea areas of production of a more solid, good quality and pure transparent precious. Producing areas of Asia to Myanmar soil, called BURMITE, beeswax for many, including square Cabernet. Americas, mainly produced in Dominica and West Indies, to other areas of Morocco and South Africa, the Soviet Union, this H, Canada, South Korea and Spain to the production of the recent natural resin-based.

Usually we buy amber and beeswax bracelets or neck string, should pay special attention to the variety of beads, texture, colors, models, etc. are the same. If the same vulgar gas Qi hand. The most important quality and color should be pure, natural, nourish, even to seamless better.

Old varieties and old workers who can not help but traces of the weathering pattern of the long years, even orifice have a little defect channel oxidation. Beads, government each tablet size and shape made ​​by hand it is inevitable that there are subtle differences, in particular, each bead hole is then does not like the plastic imitation or synthetic products made ​​from mechanical molding method so that exactly the same . (Modern Plastic Imitation of irregular size).

Over-oxidation of some of the old varieties because of the table, so the merchants re-polished bright, in order to attract more buyers, but the seventies treasures surface weathering pattern has been polished exhausted, originally a small hole should be re-drill.

Neck string, available dark brown nylon rope or brown nylon rope (to be mixed with linen before play dates firm) series. The case of varieties with high transparency, should be careful to choose the color of the rope, so as not to affect the amber itself is the true tone and perception.

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